Note Regarding Order of Entries

The posts in the pages that follow are in this order:

May 2012: CAS Graduation—Kyle Harty Strang Spirit of CAS Award
May 2011: CAS Graduation—Kyle's loyal and loving CAS-mates move up.
March 2011: Two incredible articles that appeared in local newspapers
November: Lyrics of a beautiful song written for Kyle by Sarah Crews
July: Things shared on and around the 17th anniversary of Kyle's birth
June: Snippets of Facebook interchanges, end of school year pieces, and other things written to Kyle
May: CAS Memorial and misc. contributions received in May (in the order the comments were made)
April: Kyle's funeral and misc. contributions received in April (in the order the comments were made)
March 2010: Before Kyle's funeral and information about where to make donations in Kyle's memory

Because postings do not appear in the order they were posted, you will have to check the listing in the Blog Archive below to see whether there are posts you have not read, and then click on those posts.

If you made comments at one of the memorial events and/or if you have words about Kyle that you would like to post, send to:


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Merhawi's Wall-to-Wall with Kyle

Merhawi Twerk Terrier Yohannes>Kyle StrangI'm in soo much shock, that the pain honestly just hasn't hit yet..... kyle you were truly one of the kindest, and most genuine human beings i have ever met, and i thank god i was able to know you for the few years we were friends. i love you bro, and you will always have a place in my heart. rest in peace 
April 2 at 2:11am · Comment · Like3 people like this.            

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Merhawi Twerk Terrier Yohannes>Kyle Strang: Ayyy baby, just stopping by. I was thinking about you today (like usual), and just thought i would stop by and say was sup, see how everything is. We had a great memorial the other day, and it got me thinking about how lucky i was to know the kyle i did, but also how i wish i spent more time getting to know the kyle i didnt. Anyways i love you and i really miss you. Ill talk to you soon. 
April 29 at 11:22pm · Comment · LikeAllie McShine and Tano Trachtenberg like this.            

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Merhawi Twerk Terrier Yohannes>Kyle Strang: Yoooo was sup baby... I just found those cas lab glasses you got for me that one day, and just thought I would check in on my boy. How is everything up there? Yo I'm off to bed, but I'll be back soon. I love you bro. 
April 22 at 12:08am
Kyle Strang>Merhawi Twerk Terrier Yohannes: thanks dude wen r we all bouta go hoop i been gettn light weight better haha 
July 6, 2009 at 12:40am

Merhawi Twerk Terrier Yohannes>Kyle Strang: happy birthday kyle 
July 4, 2009 at 1:25pm · Comment · Like

Katie Plowright's Wall-to-Wall with Kyle

Katie PlowrightKyle Strang: kyle last week i swear i saw you and when i turned around to get a second look you were gone. 
this post is way over due.. i wish i had taken the time to have gotten to know you better you were an amazing person 
thank you so much for being here in my life 
and thank you for being in my sisters life ha i remember the first time she told me about you 
i miss you a lot 
May 23 at 11:02pm · Comment · Like

Joe's Wall-to-Wall with Kyle

Joe Smith Mewha>Kyle Strang: kyle you were always telling me about how hot your cousins were and how you loved hanging out with them and that they were the coolest people ever, and yesterday i finally saw them and they were gorgeous! i never really believed you because i was just imagining you with boobs but i really just wanted to say we miss you and love you 
April 28 at 8:10pm · Comment · LikeSara Lutsko likes this.            Write a comment...

Ciera's Wall-to-Wall with Kyle

Ciera Rose Today facebook told me to write on your wall, and I took this as a sign for me to finally man up and tell you I miss you. We went all the way back to kindergarten, and its crazy to think about how much we watched each other grow. Rather than be sad that I can't spend time with you anymore, I remember you with a smile because I know that’s exactly what you would have wanted. AAA really did me a favor taking three whole hours to come and get us that day, because even though at the time we were irritated, it allowed us time to reminisce about how far we'd come, talk about the present, and worry about the future. I really loved that you were never scared to tell me what you actually thought about my decisions. I valued your honesty. Lunch dates with Hana aren't the same without you there to yell at the Cafe Rio people for having too high prices. You were a beautiful person and I hope you know how much we all miss you Kyle.
I love you. 
Always will 
April 28 at 9:27pm · Comment · Like

Anne Stewart and Craig Trying to Make Sense

Anne Stewart May 23 at 12:23pm
Hi Craig,
I talked to our beloved Rabbi White today about Kyle's death--about how a parent is supposed to reconcile this with any existence of God--I was so moved, because the Rabbi, in our small intimate adult group, talked about the 3 kinds of Gods that people can think about, including a movement that sees "God as Dead" which is different from being an atheist. The God is Dead idea came after the Holocaust and has to do with God being absent in times that are really not being about him/her. It is the idea that we are left to work on these issues, and there is a silence from God. This view of God sees God as more human than "super natural" and like humans, problems can seem so huge and difficult that the normal human response is to back away. It is interesting--in any case, afterwards, I talked to him about Kyle. I didn't fully like the response, but I am thinking about it--he thinks that the best place to look for some "understanding" is in Jewish Mysticism which would see that some souls are not where they are supposed to be or are where they are for some period of time that is not what we would want or expect. I kinda don't buy this, but I am thinking about it. He also said we all have to spend a lot of TIME reflecting after the loss of kyle, and being open to what comes, and to be open to all the fragility that you/we might feel. That the rawness is an opportunity, so to speak. He also recommended a book called, When Bad Things Happen to Good People, which I have heard of over the years. I'm glad to hear about the baseball plans here in DC. God and I will stay out of your way, unless you want us around. Your loving friend, Anne

Craig Strang May 24 at 2:18am
Hi, Anne,
Thanks for this, for taking the time to talk to Rabbi White and for sharing it back with me. It's so kind, and it means a lot to me that you (and Danny) are struggling with the loss of Kyle alongside me. I'd like to find a way to make some sense out of this in the ways Rabbi White describes. Sharleen seems to be able to do that (read her comments at the Funeral on the blog), but I really can't. The "God has a plan" thing, or the "some souls aren't where they're supposed to be" thing or the "points of light all yearning to return to their ecstatic oneness" thing all sound comforting, but I can't help thinking that they are just mortal mind tricks to help us cope with unbearable sadness. My faith just isn't strong enough. At Kyle's Funeral, Rabbi Jhos Singer talked a little about this and he quoted Yeshua ben Sirach:
"Don't chase after things you can't understand, which are too difficult for you to comprehend. Leave them alone since there is plenty right in front of you, which you can manage, which you can take in, which is easy to accept. Some things are meant to be hidden, let them stay that way. A mystery is not meant to be known." B.T. Haghigah folio130

I can accept that easier somehow. I know after WWII there were many conferences and writings by Rabbis trying to make sense out of what had happened, and there was one movement to find the good that came out of the unspeakable horror, the higher purpose, the plan that god must have had. It resulted in a state of Israel, etc. There was another movement that saw it as pure evil with no silver lining, no sense to be made, no ultimate benefit--bad things do happen and there is no explanation. Maybe that is the God is Dead view. The best I can do at this point is to think that Kyle had an accident because he was impulsive and/or because something went wrong with his car that he wasn't experienced enough to handle. He had an accident, not a mystical return to where he needed to be. Does that sound dark? I feel dark and I get no comfort from any higher purpose that took my son away from so many people who loved him.

I'm so looking forward to seeing you in a couple weeks.

Thanks, Anne.


Alex Wade's note to Kyle and his back and forth with Craig

Alex Wade May 30 at 11:15pm
ill be adding to it but this is it so far

kyle boy, bro
im really having some trouble trying to understand why this had to happen maybe its one of those things youre never supposed to really get you know? like one of those things that erks you for the rest of your life and makes you mad and frustrates you and makes you think maybe ill come to some crazy deep conclusion when im like 50, maybe, idk man till then i guess ive gotta deal with what ive got, ive got memories and ima keep those close to me
closer than anything else ive got, which is what ive been doing if you havent noticed but ellies mom said the spirit remains closest to the earth for the next 40 days so if your spirits really about to hop on facebook and read this then im glad i mean i hope youre getting all the thoughts ive had, honestly dude probably 30 seconds out of every minute have been out to you this is getting kinda long and im deff gunna miss the bus tomoro if i dont cut this short but ill pick it back up at ur moms house in that book one question though, who the fuck am i gunna introduce my girlfriends to? i was always super stoked to show your sexy self off to my friends, what now boy?
ill tell em stories, thats what ill do, tell em everything about you, so they feel like they knew you im lucky i got that chance dude, im really fucking lucky i love you bro, no matter where you are, thats never gunna change keep my seat warm up there? love you kyle

Hey, Alex. Thanks for sharing this with me. It's beautiful and painful to read. I have some of the same feelings, and that makes me feel even closer to you. I can't understand why or how this happened either, and I don't think I can ever understand it or that there is anything to understand--and that is so hard, makes me feel so empty. I'm pretty close to reaching 50, but don't feel very close to any deep conclusions. I hope we both can find some meaning in this even if we can't find understanding. It made me cry to read that you won't be able to introduce your girlfriends to Kyle. He was so happy when he told me about your girlfriend--so happy for you. He loved telling me about your capoeira and how incredible you are at it, how he wished he had a body like yours. Like you, I took such great pleasure, got so much joy from introducing my friends and colleagues to Kyle. It always increased my stature to have him around, and made me feel good to share how much I love him. I talked about him all the time, so that most of my colleagues around the country feel as though they know him. Even my stories about our struggles and difficult times, even when I was mad at him, made the people I was telling think more of him. When I travel for work, the first question many of my colleagues ask is, "what's new with Kyle?" or "OK, tell me the latest Kyle story."  I feel so empty and diminished not having him around, not being able to watch him move through the next phases of his life which always made me proud and happy and provided me with great and endearing stories to share with my friends. I loved introducing him to friends and colleagues that I admire, hoping that some of them might rub off on him at the same time that they came to appreciate what a great and interesting person he was. I feel honored that you shared this with me, and would love to see anything else you've written. About the only thing that gives me comfort these days is to be around people who knew and cared about Kyle, so thanks for sharing your healing with me. Craig

Alex Wade June 3 at 11:04pm
It's one of those things where when it happens to someone else it's too far away to really comprehend it, and since it's usually something you read about or hear about in the news it doesn't strike you really, you can just forget about it. But with something like this it's too close you know? You want to have the same reaction but that's impossible, you can't because it's Kyle, it's not some guy you never met, it's our Kyle. I mean this is without a doubt the strangest and probably the scariest feeling I've ever encountered, to attempt to realize whats going on. There are times when it all feels extremely distant and for a split second it all comes up to you, right in your face and it's too much. I've been trying to put together an end of the year/beginning of summer beach trip with Max and Daniel and the family, just so i can impress the girls at my school with my attractive friends but my mind keeps wondering off to how much better it would be to have him there. It's the hardest thing to try to slap myself back to reality and it still doesn't exactly feel like i have yet. I actually started to cry on the bus when I read your message, I'm glad I can be on this level with you though. I hope neither of us have to endure something like this again, but if it happens you know you've got your second family to fall back on. Alex

Alex Wade's Wall-to-Wall with Kyle

Alex Wade>Kyle Strang: so i was crazy bummed out today cause my mom was flipping a bitch like she does, you know, 
so i was sitting out on my porch and it was dumbass cold but i didn’t really wanna go in
, then i swear to god the brightest ray of light hit me the second i was about to go inside and do something stupid. 
all my goose bumps went away and i felt alright. 
thanks for that bro, i needed it. 
i miss you man, i love you, always have and always will 
May 9 at 4:11pm · Comment · LikeAllie McShine, Sandi Lutsko, Hannah Plowright and 2 others like this.            

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Alex Wade>Kyle Strang: just typed out a fatty thing that wouldnt fit on your wall bro 
fuck, ill write it down in ur book though, at your moms
. i really miss you kyle, really bad, its scary to think about what ima do in the future without you. 
i always looked forward to going back to tahoe with you and telling you about college 
and like hitting you up in hella days to invite you to a wedding. 
hoped id get the same from you dude
. anyways if i make this much bigger i wont be able to fit it either. 
i love you man, i miss you in a way that words cant convey 
May 3 at 11:55pm · Comment · Like

Alex Wade>Kyle Strang: i called u like 10 fucking times. 
guess i just have to do it over the internet

. happy birthday bro 
July 4, 2008 at 9:35pm · Comment · Like

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Miya Sommers BHS Graduation Speech

Miya Sommers, a graduating senior, was invited to speak at the Berkeley High School Graduation at the Greek Theater on Friday June 18, 2010. This is the text of her remarks:

The most important thing I learned from high school is to value the small things instead of worrying about the big ones.

My whole objective for Berkeley High consisted of getting into the best college possible. I joined too many clubs, took too many hard classes, and tried to make too many friends, all geared towards creating the image of the perfect high schooler.

By Junior year, I was exhausted. As it turned out, I wouldn’t meet any of my grandiose aspirations. Instead, I'd forget about the little things that made me happy, sacrificing it all for one large dream.

I was so wrapped up in work, I ceased to have lunch dates with friends. One day I found myself alone: no work to do and no friends to eat with.

But a voice called out to me.
It was Kyle Strang.

He asked if I wanted to go to lunch with him.
It really was an odd lunch. He and I went to Shattuck to purchase some sort of muscle supplement to help him begin mixed martial arts. The whole time we talked about getting buff, losing weight, and kicking ass. Kyle had that fun energy. The most mundane could be an adventure. I hadn’t laughed like that in a long time.
I really cherished this seemingly average afternoon.
I wish we could have more.
Death interrupts a lot of things. But that’s just one of the big ones.

It’s moments like these that make up my most treasured high school memories.
In the end, it really is the small things that stay with us.

A song sung by your first period teacher
Eating Pad Thai in the park
A hug when you really needed it

These are the little things that will remain in my heart. They are what I love most about Berkeley High.

Letter from Hasmig to the CAS Junior Class

My Dearest CAS Juniors,

I can hardly believe we’ve arrived at this place.  When I met you, your reputation had preceded you. You were known as a spirited group, pretty touchy feely, bordering on gropey. I was told you were a little on the lazy side but knew how to pull it together if pushed. You were known for being loving and sweet and yes, even quite intelligent.

The night after the first day of school, I sat with a cup of tea and some really milky Swiss chocolate and read your “First day letters” to myself.   They were a reflection of some of the battle wounds you had endured in the previous years, most notably being left behind by teacher after teacher, abandoned puppies looking for a new home.  It made me so sad to think that one of your biggest concerns was being left again.  I promised you up and down, in and out, that I wouldn’t get pregnant, wouldn’t get sick, wouldn’t get bored, and wouldn’t, as much as I could help it, leave you.   I now see how naïve I was, making you those promises because not only did I end up having to leave temporarily, I wasn’t able to protect you from being left by others, from being left by Kyle.  But I’ll get to Kyle in a minute.
It feels like light years since that first week of school but I’m pretty certain I fell in love with you immediately.  I’m kind of like the Statue of Liberty, asking for the tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to be free. In other words, I’m a sucker for lost puppies.  But what made me notice you most was your ability to engage, so deeply, in the work we were doing.  Teaching you history has been such a thrill because you have always been so curious about it, so knowledgeable, and so eager to relate it in concrete ways to your everyday lives.  I’d find myself hearing NPR reports or reading the NY Times and wondering how you’d respond, what you’d think, what questions you’d have for me.  It’s the way school and learning should be—actively engaged, always in a dialogue, never searching for AN answer rather always asking more questions.  I looked forward to Friday current events days with you and purposely wrote a grant so we could get those NY Times Up Front Magazines and read them together, one big happy nerdling CAS family. You were witty, you were brave, and you woke me up every morning. For all of that, I am eternally grateful.

Second semester felt like a completely different year than the one we started together.  Sevan’s leg break on February 27th shook me up pretty hard. Once we knew he would eventually be okay, the work of actually taking care of him and simultaneously being away from you was very painful.  It was hard to find a day when I didn’t feel like a terrible mother, a terrible teacher, or both.  I felt like our family pulled through in large part because of the community we had in CAS, the support I had from adults and kids alike, and the love you gave me in all the ways you know how (facebook, texting, etc) to make it okay for me to be gone. And I dropped to sleep every night feeling so lucky.  Every night until March 31st. And then our earth shattered before our very eyes, the ground dropped out from under us, and all of a sudden we were the most UNlucky people on the planet.   The phone call from Leib the night that Kyle died dropped me to my knees on my kitchen floor.  And in many ways, I’ve been there ever since.  There is no template for this, no lesson plan, no book on tape, college lecture, or ten page research paper that teaches you how to navigate the loss of a student, a friend, a son. It’s as if the whole world starts over. We are re-born into a new world. We’ve left the world with Kyle behind and now we live in the world without Kyle. Two different worlds. But we don’t have the comforts of birth: being held around the clock, fussed over, screaming at the world, and most importantly, babies have NO idea—their ignorance protects them. And we didn’t have that either. Nothing was able to protect us from the pain of losing Kyle.  The way he died made it worse.  It was stupid and senseless and bad luck that could have happened to any of us.  I couldn’t even make any sense out of it for you. I was at a loss.  If I looked like I knew what I was doing in trying to take care of the community, I didn’t. I just followed my gut, my heart, and the very deep caverns of my sorrow and knew I just wanted to be around you.  The days immediately after Kyle’s death, culminating with his funeral were the beginnings of our collectively broken heart.  There was this moment at the burial, the deafening rain pounding through us, six or seven of us in a huddled mass dripping over one another and I looked across the big hole in the ground where we would unfairly leave Kyle, and I saw another cluster of you with shovels in hand, stepping up bravely one after the other to bury your friend.  The world all of a sudden felt like a very cruel place. I felt so incapable of protecting you from grief, from your pain, from the sadness, and from growing up too soon. As someone who has spent a decade recreating history to fit neatly into the hearts and minds of young people, there was nothing I could do about this piece of your history, nothing to neaten it, box it up, clean it up, or make you look at in a different way.  Real life, as it turns out, has nothing to do with history. 

So I did the only thing I knew how to do which was keep you close. In the daytime in the nighttime, on line, through the air waves, the cellular cables or on my front door step, I wanted to hover nearby.  I am pretty sure as a group that many of us haven’t slept much since Kyle’s death.  Every once in a while I’ll make myself visible on Facebook just to see who is up at 1am or 2am with me. I secretly hope it’s no one, and that you’re all getting wonderful sleep and then I secretly hope it’s someone—evidence of life, or lack of death.

In the two and a half months that have followed, you’ve managed to pull together impressively.  Challenging as it was, you put your noses to the grindstones, you worked on projects, you took notes, you wrote personal statements, you pulled off a major research paper and you pulled each other, and me, up off that kitchen floor.  You honor your sadness by sending me late night messages that simply say, “I miss him”, you honor Kyle by telling a story, remembering a quirk of his, and allowing him to stay so present in our classroom, and most of all you keep Kyle alive by being such good friends to each other, by accepting one another’s flaws, repairing friendships that needed it, and by motivating kids who look like they’re slipping.  And in many ways, we’ve only just begun.

Our journey together, if things go as planned, is far from over.  In a few short months you’ll be back in this room as CAS Seniors. There will be Power Point, you tube, Howard Zinn, and pre-prom lectures to come.  You will be preparing college applications, Senior trips, and lasts of everything for now.  Kyle’s spirit will follow us around as well. His desk will be back in this room, his voice through your voice will ring through again, and you will feel his absence as we make transition after transition to prepare you for the next stage in your lives. I urge you to be brave as you have been thus far. Go into this summer dreaming big about the possibilities, stretching your arms wide and wrapping them around a new direction.  But don’t be afraid to feel sad, hopeless, and scared. Don’t be afraid to feel too far away, to feel like you’re going to forget, or to access the many complicated layers now formed inside.  All of it is real and all of it is yours.

Thank you for a remarkable, overwhelming, triumphant, disastrous, heartbreaking, enlightening, cataclysmic year.

I love you. 

Monday, June 14, 2010

Daniel's Wall-to-Wall with Kyle

Daniel Killian>Kyle Strang: new wiz khalifa came out today...I know you are listening in heaven 
April 14 at 8:31pm · Comment · LikeErin Lutsko, Leib Sutcher and 3 others like this.
 Daniel Killian>Kyle Strang: Kyle man I still can't believe it. You were one of the most solid all around guys I ever met. You were always hella genuine whenever you spoke to anyone. 

I still remember those times in 6th grade when we would tell our parents we weren’t hungry at breakfast, then get to school hella early and go pig out at mike's and eat it all on the front steps and think we were hella badass. Or when you and Leib would draw Jewish stars on the back of your necks before every game and try to draw them on everyone else's necks. Or the first couple years of high school when you would walk hella far
out of your way so we could walk home together at least part of the way. Or these past couple months when we would walk to our cars together and bullshit about women and putting superchargers in our cars.

 You went before your time but you didn’t die alone. We all care about you and miss you terribly. 
April 3 at 11:48pm · Comment · Like

Cassandra's Wall-to-Wall with Kyle

Cassandra Karim>Kyle Strang: Hey Kyle, Facebook keeps telling me to write on your wall. But really I am just hoping that someday there will be an crazy new status update on your page something that could make me laugh.. The sad thing was that I never got to hang out with you when you got to your teens, I think we'd have a lot in common and I feel bad. But I do cherish our younger years with all our other cousins. Can't lie though even though we werent close I do miss you! And your friends are amazing. 
April 28 at 7:46pm
 Cassandra Karim>Kyle Strang: Hey Kyle, I'm in shock. I'm sorry I wasn't around more and I'm gonna miss you. Although we weren't blood you'll always be my cousin, I love you. 
April 1 at 12:55pm · Comment · Like

Kyle Strang>Cassandra Karim: HEY its great to hear from u how r u doing? im a junior at Berkeley High now and im doing pretty good. im living the single life hanging out haha. i just started MMA so i am pretty pooped all the time but im doing good. when are u coming down next 
November 4, 2009 at 7:54pm · Comment · Like


          Cassandra Karim You'll probably be driving by then! So you get to drive haha. I met a fighter named Shawn Bias. you should he is pretty crazy. 
November 4, 2009 at 8:15pm
          Kyle Strang ya my test is on the 10th. looks pretty dope i like his tattoos 
November 4, 2009 at 8:23pm

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Cassandra Karim>Kyle Strang: Hey Cousin Kyle!! how are you?? Your almost all grown up now! I would have never recognized you. How are you doing? What's new? 
November 4, 2009 at 7:50pm · Comment · Like

Ben's Wall-to-Wall with Kyle

Ben Cerami>Kyle Strang: we ride together, we die together, bad boys fa life 
Wednesday May 26 at 9:05pm · Comment · Like

Ben Cerami>Kyle Strang: hey bro i miss you unbearably much. Man if i could just talk to you one more time i know everything would be all good and we would go back to being brothers just the way it was supposed to be forever. I hope you can peep this from wherever you are. I love you kyle bro, so so much i wont ever be as close to someone as i was to you

Green Street Hooligans Final Fight (Unedited) is the Final Fight Scene from the film Green Street Hooligans with the original sound and it is unedited. I hope you enjoy and don't forget to watch my other green street hooligans videos.

Wednesday at 9:01pm · Comment · Like · Share2 people like this.            

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Avi's Wall-to-Wall with Kyle

Avi Prettyboy Rosenblum>Kyle Strang: so i was looking at old baseball pics n i saw u me n ben during oaks with our hair painted red fun shit man i member we won that game wit the three of us just smashing the ball miss u bruh 
May 2 at 12:20pm · Comment · Like

Avi Prettyboy Rosenblum>Kyle Strang: kyle i misss u bruh i member the days when me n u were turning double plays at north field with ur dad coaching us, boom n the kid up the middle i miss u bruh love u bruh 
April 18 at 8:53pm · Comment · Like

Avi Prettyboy Rosenblum>Kyle Strang: IMA MISS U BRUH R.I.P 
March 31 at 11:23pm · Comment · Like

Austin's Wall-to-Wall with Kyle

Austin Perkins Hey kyle, fb told me to reconnect with you, and that is something thats been troubling me for the past month. After meeting all of your friends and connecting with them so well, it really makes me think that we could have reconnected. Your friends are such wonderful, beautiful people, you should see everything that everyone has done for you. And it makes me sad that we drifted apart and never had the chance to become best friends again. I promise I'll be there for all your family and your friends. Now when I think of my friend groups I have all my band friends, all my middle school friends, and now I have my all my Kyle friends. I just want you to know I'll always have a special place in my heart for you, and you will live on through the amazing people you brought together.
April 28 at 10:10pm · Comment · Like

Sara Lutsko and Teetee Love like this.           
Hasmig Minassian Austin, this is a beautiful tribute to Kyle and so deeply honest. Funny, I have a new "friends" list on Facebook called "Kyle's Friends" (which you're on, of course).
April 28 at 10:21pm
Merhawi Twerk Terrier Yohannes i would love to join that list ms. minassian
April 29 at 11:16pm
Erin Lutsko Austin, this is really sweet and was very touching to read. Xoxo
April 30 at 6:20pm